A ring featuring 3 Forevermark diamonds.
A ring featuring 3 Forevermark diamonds.


Here is an excerpt from another article by Jeweller Magazine in which I was contacted for my comments:

Retailers should move away from promoting diamond sales by the use of the four Cs because it can often end in debates about price. Industry experts now say it’s better to engage customers with story telling.


Rami Baron, president of the Diamond Dealers Club of Australia and executive council member of the World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB), said that while only a small portion of Australian consumers were currently questioning the source of a diamond, retailers would need to start developing stories for the stones they sold in order to cater for this growing market.

“I think that retailers are beginning to understand that you can have a generic diamond but they’re going to have to brand it with their own story,” Baron explained, adding, “Whether that’s at a level of the Forevermark, which is great when you have massive budgets, or whether you’re an independent retailer who has gone to the effort of understanding where the diamonds came from and writes it into his story.”

Baron said that although some retailers weren't confident about relaying these sorts of narratives, the process was actually not expensive or laborious.

“It’s just asking everyone down the line to provide the information of where the diamond came from.”

Read the full article here:
